
club wonderbread

fall is fully upon us and petrov loves it. this fall/winter dc will get to experience a new (gei) club called Town, which will be located on the adjacent block to 9.30club. Petrov may have to make the move to the U St corridor, the home to DC's music scene to appreciate both these venues (and Nellies). Town is taking over this old partially rundown warehouse/factory that god only knows what was produced in it. the place will be two floors and have a lounge atmosphere on one. the pictures of the floor looks huge and will apparently be adopted to create a high quality sound system, step #1 in creating the perfect environment. step #2 will be appropriate music on said soundsystem. what the music will be, is yet to be determined, but petrov thinks it will likely entail what it is the kids are listening to these days.... think Rihana (spelling?), petrov doesn't know. all he knows is she is the chick in the britney spears VMA performance that is laughing at the stripper on her dinner table (appropriately so).

anyway, located within the same vicinity is another rundown building that was formerly the Wonderbread Hostess Bakery. anyway, when petrov makes his first million, he's going to buy it up and start a new club that will fall somewhere between 9.30club, Rock and Roll Hotel, and what petrov envisions this Town to look like. The exterior of the bakery will be kept intact, with the exception of the obvious need for better windows/doors etc... Petrov isn't sure if the place should be one floor or two, but there is a possibility of three (two on the left side and one on the right) -- see picture to the left via flickr member stgermh. This would give the abiltiy to have shows on the right side or smaller shows on the left and a full bar area. Petrov has business skills, but he'd rather leave that to someone like the redhead, while lesbian #1 will provide the sweet sound and lights, and lesbian #2 will promote, while the pocket will look pretty and consult on pop culture issues that petrov doesn't follow closely enough. Petrov would be in charge of booking bands, and have a board (said business partners) who will conjointly plan events. Obvious name for the place is Wonderbread, but should copyright issues get in the way... perhaps The Bakery. Petrov thinks the later is a bit bleh, but it might do. Certainly some homage to the building's former self will be required. If anyone out there wants to provide petrov's necessary cash flow for this project, make checks payable to Petrov Cotton LLC.