
musical suprises

isn't it fun to suddenly discover there is a new album out by one of your favorite bands and you had no clue? well the situation petrov talks about is only second to that as this is technically a "live" album. Daft Punk has a album called "alive" out. petrov has blogged about daft punk several times, so he will keep this short, but BBC Radio 1 has a documentary about the band here. The album is from this past summer's tour and was recorded at Palais Omnisports de Paris-Bercy. Petrov is still hoping they will come back this summer state-side.

on a side note petrov is disappointed to discover BBC podcasts are primarily limited to only computers with UK IP addresses. shite.


he hit me

what's more exciting than spousal abuse, 60's music, and a dash of an indie favorite? petrov LOVES the remake of the 60s "controversial" song "He Hit Me" by Grizzly Bear on their new album 'Friend'. The song is dark, but retains that 60s "happy" sound and was written to advocate against spousal abuse. So very odd, but petrov likes it.

Grizzly Bear - He Hit Me



Petrov made the drive to upstate ny to avoid the horror that is the airport over a holiday. Along the way petrov had time to really get to know MIA's new cd "Kala". Prior to the trip petrov found the cd to be intriguing but lacking something that makes you want to get up and really dance. However, after a few listens and turning up the car bass, the cd is actually quite good and petrov started singing along. this is certainly a concert where you will want to be in the front section of the main floor of 9:30 Club. God willing, the DC audience will actually start dancing. However, should the audience perhaps be like Petrov was before this weekend and simply liked MIA, but lacked the connection to the groovibility of the music (yeah, that isn't really a word), where you stand wont' matter much. so for those of you lucky enough to get tickets to the sold out show, you can either start dancing in the opening song or you can learn that "goovibility" as the night progresses.

MIA - Paper Planes



petrov must apologize profusely, its been almost a month since he has posted. where has the time flown these past few weeks? it seems like everyday is filled with something that has to be done. even today, its 12.30am and he is just now thinking oh yeah, what about that blog thing? well where to start on the past two weeks? let us summarize the topics that need to be covered (can you say "us" in the third person? you can say "they" but that doesn't refer to him and you, but instead someone else, petrov is tired, but he's pretty sure there is no way to refer to himself in the the third person and you, the reader, also in the third person in a simple way): (1) Beowulf, (2) Town Danceboutique, (3) New Pornographers, (4) M.I.A., (5) domestic partnerships, and (6) turducken.
(1) well against petrov's own better judgment, he went and saw Beowulf in "digital 3-D," which requires the oh so fashionable 3-D glasses. let us first start with what is not told in the trailers.... beowulf fights grendel naked. 2/3rds of the reason petrov saw the movie was because the lesbians wanted to see Angelina naked in 3-d, but the movie ended up being very homoerotic around beowulf. granted he had his little girl tricks, but hey beowulf nearly taking a spear up his woo-ha, repeatedly, doesn't exactly scream "straight."
(2) saturday night Town opened, the new gay dance club on 8th and Florida/U St. the music sucked the big one, petrov is glad he didn't go until 3am (doesn't close until 5am). further, though the bar closes before 3am, you are not permitted to be holding a drink after 3am, resulting in guys coming around taking your drink and throwing it in a garbage bucket....classy, real classy.
(3)New Pornographers, petrov is still sad he missed the New Pornographers during his Africa trip.... here is the new video.
the boy holding the girl's hand looks a little like TR Knight, no? maybe a little?
(4)MIA is one week from this friday. she grew up in an Eleam family, as her father is considered the founder of the militant group. coincidentally (???) there have been several times her visa has been denied for the United States. let's hope she makes it to her DC tour date, cuz it is going to be splendiferous, regardless of political views.
(5)the lesbians got domestic partner-cated last friday in what is mostly likely the fastest most random and filthy shot gun wedding petrov will ever experience. let's just say petrov had to sit and watch a 4year old blow spit bubbles at him and pretend it was semi-humorous as his mother sat their and sad "isn't that just the cutest thing???? he just isn't going to stop." i considered that a nice brain tumor was appropriate willed into the child's brain (too cruel? insert apologetic phrase here if you like children).
(6) turkducken...... WTF? bless their hearts, but what the hell is the matter with southern people?


the velocet

upon arrival back in DC from petrov's trip, petrov dropped his luggage off and headed over to the Red and Black on H St NE, to catch up with the crew. When the crew arrived, shortly after petrov's arrival, it was found the crew was much larger than usual. upon asking what the occasion was, he was told that The Velocet was playing, who have some connection to the crew. Sounded good to petrov.

Petrov has heard the velocet on several occasions, but wouldn't have been able to picked them out. So upstairs everyone went and the velocet came on. The band is a local NYC band, so the crowd didn't bedazzle the mind, but it was good as the room wasn't much larger than petrov's house (which is a small bunnyhole). Unfortunately petrov thinks the combination of a small, not crowded room did not accurately absorb enough sound for the volume, which was of issue as being simply too loud. but despite this petrov found the band to be well rehearsed and certainly capable of gaining momentum in the future. Petrov enjoyed the song Concertina the most.


to see anyway

petrov is back! yay. so petrov has a lot of music exploration to catch up on from over the last two months. among the things that have been in the news is the Nov. 6th release of "Heima" a documentary by Sigur Ros. The documentary chronicles the journey of the group through their native Iceland last summer playing a number of small venue (and often unannounced) concerts. The trailer (below) definitely has no problems cinematically, the pictures are beautiful, but word has it that entirety of the film lacks cohesion. Despite this, Petrov will still see it.

Heima Trailer