
vampires at christmas

in a limited number of shows, Vampire Weekend will be playing throughout February with a couple shows in January and March. DC is lucky enough to have them coming to DC for a show at the Rock and Roll Hotel (now only a hop skip and a jump) away from petrov's new abode. woohoo. There a fun little band that petrov suggests you all go see. They seem to lack something in petrov's eye in terms of sounds, it just seems just a little too barebones for his taste, but who is he to judge?

Vampire Weekend - Cape Cod Kwassa Kwassa


Petrov's dilemma

So petrov has become preoccupied as if late for various reasons including trips, excessive social activities that always compliment the holiday season, loss of a family member, etc... Now petrov has to go home and then after returning he has to move to his new house and then head out on a work trip. With that said it seems unlikely that the pace of posting is going to pick up in the next few weeks. Petrov actually really enjoys posting on here, but he also thinks the blog deserves more attention. In other words this bunny needs someone who would be willing to his or her two cents to this blog. So if you happen to be interested let petrov know, otherwise petrov hopes you all stick around until he can start posting more again. Two projects he has on the backburner are a playlist for the subwaystate blog and the ever popular and overdone "best of 2007".

So in conclusion petrov hopes you will accept his apologies for the limited posting that has taken place recently and often on the fly via a. iPod touch.


get off your jihad

music blog what? petrov has had a less than thriller day. so what better way to feel better than to bitch!?!?!

there is nothing more fun in America than blaming someone else for your problems. unless you have been living in a blithering blackhole you should know that China is Congress' and "patriotic" American's favorite scapegoat.

Congress is itching to force a devaluation of the yuan and is also ready to slap something like a 25% tariff on all Chinese imports. (Nothing says thanks for giving us cheap products like making Americans pay 25% more for them.) If you want to put on tariffs because of environmental problems, fine, Petrov is all for the environment, but don't go through that shit around because your citizens can't belly up and pay 10 cents more for a product from a country that holds itself to a slightly higher (acceptable?) standard. Further, just because your citizens can't seem to keep their greedy paws out of the cookie jar (read as dumbf*cks that would rather buy their new $400 lcd 32" no name tv than put their money in an high interest savings account or god forbid a retirement fund).

Do you hate China because of their large trade surplus with the US? Do you hate China because they roofy your children with roofy-powdered toys? (Ok, maybe the later one is a fair call.... but still that "quality" issue has been going on for sometime now, Petrov doesn't see anyone not buying from china because they are concerned). Anyway, it pisses petrov off. He's an economist and feels these issues are better dealt in more constructive ways (teaching high schoolers to live on a budjet....not that god's word created the human race 4,000 years ago and evolution is just a "theory"). Get the idea?

Read this article if you would like to dispel some of your firmly held patriotic beliefs.


The Turner Exhibit at the National Gallery

no, not ted turner. WMB Turner, the english impressionist from the early 19th century. Petrov saw the Turner, Whistler, and Monet exhibit in Toronto several years back and found himself in love with the unique take on atmospheric conditions these three artists took. The later two artists took much of their inspiration from Turner. So, making to see the Turner exhibit at the National Gallery before it closed in January was a high priority (and provided for a good date). The picture to the left is the "The Junction of the Thames and the Medway". This doesn't express its true beauty as the colors have been all dulled down, however, there was something about the ocean waves in the bottom right hand corner that petrov really enjoyed (not to mention the dark clouds rolling in. The big lesson petrov learned about Turner at the National Gallery was his preference for watercolors over oil painting (and their often use in the early stages of creating an oil painting).... clearly petrov is not an art-snob. The exhibit is only in town until January 6th, so you better get your little rabbit buns in gear, if you have any desire to see it.

On a side note, petrov usually does pretty good at avoiding tourists, but of course any national mall visit requires putting in your time. besides giving directions to several hopeless tourists, petrov's date had the fortune of being the central subject to at least one crazy tourist's picture in a series that should accurately be titled "panorama shots of the national gallery cafeteria". it will be a splendid piece, petrov assures you.


iPod touch

so it has been two or three months since petrov bought his ipod touch. To date this little piece of machinery has lived up to most of petrov's expectations. The main complaints are lack of wifi locations and the inability to play flash on websites, which can be a big issue in this modern era of web2.0. The number of websites that cater to the needs of iPhone and touch users is slowly growing and highlighted by recent improvements in the google homepage which now has buttons large enough for petrov's fat little paws to accurately hit. Blogger now has the ability to post from the touch, which is convenient for a quick post when stranded without something better to do. Unfortunately there is no copy and paste function so the posting of songs with a post is limited to the imeem website, where petrov is making his first attempt at mobile posting from the touch. So if you are keeping up you just found out your are the test pig for petrov's feasibility study of this posting format. Today song is by no means new, but seemed appropriate for the topic at hand. If you live in a hole petrov is referencing the newest iPod touch commercials which highlight the song. When petrov got the CSS cd, be definately did not pick up on this song as a favorite on the album, but in fact it is now certainly on of those. Is this the result of societal submission that is subconcious or is it that petrov was just a sloppy music listener? Petrov hopes of is just a sloppy mistake. Antwho petrov hopes this post comes out properly formatted.


avenue q

Petrov feels gay....very gay.... a broadway review. Petrov, lesbians, pocket, etc.., attended Avenue Q on Friday night at the National Theatre. Prior to seeing the play petrov had the soundtrack. The soundtrack was quite good with several stand out songs including “If you were gay”, “the internet is for porn”, and “everyone is a little bit racist.” All songs that clearly from the title state conservative values and target audience equalling that of what Playbill considers there target audience as they clearly state in the back of the bill. Not to side track on this, but the WTF is up with their “average reader” profile. Is it meant to make you feel like high society simply because you read the damn pamphlet? Further does this feeling that you now feel like high society make you a more loyal reader (and broadway attendee)? Petrov found the snobbery of that quarter page profile quite repulsive, seeing that the damn thing couldn’t even provide basics for the play such as the song titles, but did quite fine at providing PLENTY of advertisements for my supposed average three figure income (household, a defining characteristic of this income was not highlighted).

Anyway, petrov doesn’t take this out on the play, but instead just Playbill, bastards. Moving along, play is clearly meant for a young adult audience (college to early 40s). Those on either side of this, just won’t get the humor. And unlike as the webpage says, any parent who takes their child to see puppets have sex, should probably not be getting the parent of the year award. And via the elderly couples sitting around us in the audience, the humor is not appreciated by that average 50-something three-figured income Playbill reader.

Petrov began to realize the depravity of his life when the Bad Idea Bears actually had reasonable suggestions for Princeton. Exemplary Bad Idea Bear suggestions included the importance of when spending on an (extremely) tight budget that you should buy a case of beer and not a six pack because its more cost effective. Helloooooo, Costco, my beer buying establishment of choice. Helloooooo, Safeway, my nearest store that sells those big bottles of Kettle One. Oh well, apparently sound economic advice from the bastard children of Chucky and a Care Bear, is a bad idea. Who knew?

Anyway, as usual, petrov’s reviews don’t really provide the critical explanations that are provided for you buy the likes of pitchfork or whatever your source for music/movie/theatre advice is. Instead he chooses the low road of highlighting the depravity of western society with a general yeah you should see (hear) that little play (song).

Avenue Q - Everyone is a little bit racist