

Petrov made the drive to upstate ny to avoid the horror that is the airport over a holiday. Along the way petrov had time to really get to know MIA's new cd "Kala". Prior to the trip petrov found the cd to be intriguing but lacking something that makes you want to get up and really dance. However, after a few listens and turning up the car bass, the cd is actually quite good and petrov started singing along. this is certainly a concert where you will want to be in the front section of the main floor of 9:30 Club. God willing, the DC audience will actually start dancing. However, should the audience perhaps be like Petrov was before this weekend and simply liked MIA, but lacked the connection to the groovibility of the music (yeah, that isn't really a word), where you stand wont' matter much. so for those of you lucky enough to get tickets to the sold out show, you can either start dancing in the opening song or you can learn that "goovibility" as the night progresses.

MIA - Paper Planes