
The Turner Exhibit at the National Gallery

no, not ted turner. WMB Turner, the english impressionist from the early 19th century. Petrov saw the Turner, Whistler, and Monet exhibit in Toronto several years back and found himself in love with the unique take on atmospheric conditions these three artists took. The later two artists took much of their inspiration from Turner. So, making to see the Turner exhibit at the National Gallery before it closed in January was a high priority (and provided for a good date). The picture to the left is the "The Junction of the Thames and the Medway". This doesn't express its true beauty as the colors have been all dulled down, however, there was something about the ocean waves in the bottom right hand corner that petrov really enjoyed (not to mention the dark clouds rolling in. The big lesson petrov learned about Turner at the National Gallery was his preference for watercolors over oil painting (and their often use in the early stages of creating an oil painting).... clearly petrov is not an art-snob. The exhibit is only in town until January 6th, so you better get your little rabbit buns in gear, if you have any desire to see it.

On a side note, petrov usually does pretty good at avoiding tourists, but of course any national mall visit requires putting in your time. besides giving directions to several hopeless tourists, petrov's date had the fortune of being the central subject to at least one crazy tourist's picture in a series that should accurately be titled "panorama shots of the national gallery cafeteria". it will be a splendid piece, petrov assures you.