
because the other 60 virgin festival recaps just didn't strike your fancy

Well.... Petrov made it to the Saturday half of the Virgin Music Festival up in Maryland.. and in petrov style he arrived with his mischievous crew at 3pm as apposed to the planned 2pm arrival for crazy-bitch-but-i-still-love-you Amy Winehouse. Damn the traffic and the idiots who get in accidents.

Anywho petrov did hear 3 songs while walking into the festival by AW, but unfortunately she sounded sober and on key... a slight disappointment in petrov's book. Petrov & Co. made their way to the far end of the grounds to catch Paolo Nutini who petrov enjoyed with mild enthusiasm. He made him bounce a little, but the heat kept that to a minimum. This was cut short by a desire to catch Felix da Housecat, which suprising turned out to be one of the best shows of the day for Petrov (see third picture). With the completion of Felix, petrov ran back across the grounds to catch Peter Bjorn and John, which rocked (see fourth picture). Petrov unfortunately missed their 9.30 club show, but apparently this show was far superior, so nothing lost there. whew.

This was followed up with running back to the Dance Tent to catch Danny Tengalia who also rocked. In summary of the day, it was quite surprising to see that the most rocking DJs were in the middle of the day and crowds were their thickest then also. Petrov would have expected the homosexuals to crawl out of the woodwork come darkness in the Dance Tent. This did not hold true. After rocking to Tengalia for half an hour, Petrov again rain across the grounds to catch LCD Soundsystem. LCDS rocked, but either they rocked double hard at 9.30club or Petrov is a music whore that doesn't sleep with the same band twice very often.

Before completing that set Petrov was required across the grounds at the Beastie Boys concert. (en route petrov was nearly hit by a number of corn tortillas being thrown in preparation for "extremely weird wrestling".... petrov was mildly interested for like 2 minutes with that and moved on. Petrov and the redhead worked their way threw the crowd after the beastie boys set had already began. petrov got as close as he needed to be as he placed himseld relatively close to the stage (see first picture) among one gi-normous crowd (see second picture) and between some very nice eye candy for between song entertainment.

This was followed up with some Sasha, which was a huge dissappointment. Petrov loves him some Sasha grooves, but Petrov just wasn't feeling it, even though he tried. Petrov and redhead then decided to move towards The Police, where upon getting out of the thumping range of Sander van Doorm, they high tailed it back to van Doorm. Finally Petrov collected his compatriots at modest mouse where two songs were endured which were a "meh" as would be suspected. Petrov never really got Modest Mouse after the first cd.

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