
puppy prostitution

...it just rolls right off your tongue.

Straight from DCBLOGS this morning:

Sometime ago Roosh V., aka DC Bachelor, penned a hilarious and memorable post about his plan for a DC Puppy Rental Service as a way to meet women. Well, guess what? In surfing some NYC blogs this weekend, we came across Janeism, an upper Manhattan-based blogger, who has a report about a real dog rental service in NY that’s coming to DC. It’s called Flexpetz and you can rent a dog for a few hours to a number of days. Janeism writes: … now, in exchange for some cash, I can buy something close to that love and drop it off when I’m done. It’s puppy prostitution, in a sense. But like a lonely sailor in a new port, I might be tempted. Others commenting. Harlem Fur: the idea of leasing a pet strikes me as a bit strange.

Petrov's Virgin Music Festival round up from Saturday is coming.... its just puppy prostitution has side tracked him in the most profound way.