
the interview: genesis

what dope is behind this insanity?
hello, i'm petrov cotton -- a cute little bunny residing in washington, dc-- and this is my brand spanking new blog. i attempted this blog thing once before when i was a wee bunny writing my thesis in ithaca, however, as would be suspected i got busy. so this is my new incarnation of the old really.

what the hell is this?
well like the old blog, i will be putting up some of the songs that currently suit my fancy and i feel may suit yours also. however, in an attempt to find my blogging place, i will also include musical happenings here in DC. it will not be comprehensive, but instead just interesting tidbits that i have found interesting. additionally, i shall tell tails of my bouncing around dc.

well thats not very exciting.... when can i start reading this jackrabbits blogs?
well la-di-da for you being so exciting. you can actually get a taste now, although it won't be about anything i just promised you....

I shall start this whole thing off with an unrelated topic, however, it has certainly taken up mych of my free time in dc the last month or so.... the stanley cup playoffs.... the pride and joy of canada and cbc's ratings. the stanley cup finals begin monday between the ottawa senators and the anaheim (mighty) ducks.
here are some sad facts: 1) the ottawa senators are looking to win their first cup since 1927, the only year they have won under the current incarnation of the NHL and their first since their establishment of the new ottawa senators in 1992. 2)speaking of 1992... if ottawa wins, it will be the first time a canadian team has won the cup since 1992 when montreal won. 3) the might ducks.... yeah just like the movie. does anyone really want a team based on a disney movie to win??

anywho thank god for dvr because i have concerts to attend to the nights of games 1 and 3. so don't u be telling me the score