
who's coming to a venue near you

Petrov is excited... after a lul in petrov-excitable bands coming to DC... there is a new list of bands petrov would love to get his greedy little paws on tickets for.

Petrov has therefore provided you with some samples of some of the bands coming to Washington over the next couple months that are worth checking out. This post is going to be a bit on the monstrous side... but there is lots to be heard.

Petrov has also provided a rating system out of 10 of how he thinks these shows will shape up on an overall satisfactory scale (note that petrov clearly wouldn't want to attend any of these if they weren't good). So on a scale of 0-5... 0 is an enjoyment from the back of the crowd with arms folded in appropriate DC stature and 5 is petrov is leading a mosh pit in the front row... granted none of these are mosh pit inducing bands... but you get the idea. don't you? petrov doesn't.... so just pretend like you do and it will make this a lot easier.

*First up is Editors with Ra Ra Riot at 9.30 Club - September 4th
However, be sure to not confuse Ra Ra Riot with petrov's darlings of Ra Ra Rasputin.

**Second up is The National at 9.30 Club - September 5th and 6th
what blog isn't complete without mention of The National? perhaps this accordance will put CYHfSN in the lime light.... petrov doubts that though.

***Third up is Rilo Kiley at 9.30 Club - September 26th and 27th
petrov was having difficulty picking a song for rilo kiley.... for whatever reason, petrov has sentimental feelings associated with Jenny Lewis's voice. but that is neither here nor there. futhermore do not take The Frug as an condolence by petrov to EVER make a video with movie clips in it. petrov has heard they are not amazing in concert... but he still thinks this is questionable.

****Fourth up is The New Pornographers at 9.30 Club - October 27th

***Fifth up is Voxtrot at Blackcat - October 6th

*****Sixth up is Andrew Bird at Sonar (Baltimore) - September 29th