

petrov, as stated before, was not that familiar with polyphonic spree, until saturday night. with two albums in the petrov library, he found the newest album "a fragile army" to be just "ok". there is something about the album that has not given petrov that special feeling inside, maybe its that most of the songs seem over filled (such would be expected from a 20-person band) with excess rock 'white-noise'. yes petrov said rock white-noise, he has copyrighted that term.

in all actuality, petrov feels that the polyphonic spree is a live experience not paralleled in a stereo system. the spectacle that is the polyphonic spree, is a stage presence of lead singer, tim delaughter, five head shaking choir members who appear fully capable of being members of the Pipettes with a bleach job and a poka-dotted dress, a three piece horn section, a harp, flute, two percussionists, a keyboard, and the usual string section. when seeing them live, you can mentally grasp what the hell is going on that, you have no clue when listening to the album at home. however, petrov still recommends listening to the 9:30 Club show on the NPR website (see link above).

most notable is one hour and 15minutes into the set, the band covers nirvana's "lithium." if your too lazy to listen to the live version, which petrov believes to be superior to the recorded version listed below... you know what to do.

petrov will post pictures if/when AB forwards her pictures to petrov. it is certainly a sight to see.