
all things texan aren't bad

eh, petrov is a liberal northern who prefers snow to heat, so deal with it. so tonight the Austin, TX band, Voxtrot, is gracing the stage of the blackcat, meanwhile several blocks away, my maple syrup loving canadian sweetheart Feist is taking the 9.30 club stage. unfortunately, its a busy school night for petrov so he will be unable to attend either.

the Maple Syrup Princess, already graced a blog entry here a few days ago, so today Petrov is providing one of the slower songs off Voxtrot's first full length album. Petrov had some difficulty picking a song to share with you all because he has pretty much only consumed this album as a single unit, as it is a very digestible carrot album. Petrov just starts listening and next thing he knows its over and when its over it makes petrov very sad. So here is to the the "repeart all button."