
what will you do when you win Lord Stanley's cup?

So the appropriate answer on tv for major sporting events is always "I'm going to Disneyland!" or some crap like that. At the current rate, Anneheim will be answering that question... but will they go to Disneyland, when they are right there? I hope they at least go to Disneyworld instead. Ottawa is down 3-1 in the Stanley Cup final and Petrov is none too pleased.

Disneyland.... in coming upon Petrov's new boyfriends, scratch that, new band find (Datarock), Petrov discovered a "Fa Fa Fa" remix by a band called Shakes. These young laddies also hale from the land where people eat corgies to protest animal cruelty... go figure. Petrov has enjoyed this song of theirs called Disneyland Prt. 1, probably a bit too much since Petrov discovered it, but he enjoys the mixture of rock/punk/dance/etc... the song brings together. Anway, it is long past Petrov's bedtime, so here is the video, and he suggests you turn your speakers up and dance one for that poor corgi killed in the name of ending animal cruelty.