
ga-ga for ra-ra

what a cliche blog entry title! its made up for in substance though.

Normally Petrov simply informs you kiddies of new/different music, but today is an exception.

what would motivate Petrov to do such a ridiculous thing? Petrov recently had the opportunity to sit down for a fireside chat with the ra-ra rasputin singer, Rozz.

Today Petrov recommends going to see Ra-Ra Rasputin at Wonderland (and not just because Petrov is the white rabbit). Petrov would provide a sample of this funky little band, but alas their music has yet to be graced in 1s and 0s (digitized in case your not keeping up). So why the hell would you want to go to this show then? Let Pretrov set it straight and simple:
1) Petrov has fine musical tastes
2) they sound like the Fall, Talking Heads, New order, Belle & Sebastian, The Rapture, etc... (you will want to dance)
3) Petrov will drink beer with you
4) its at Wonderland, what isn’t there to love about that?
5) its free (more $$$ for #3)